ambition |amˈbi sh ən|
a strong desire to do or to achieve something, typically requiring determination and hard work : her ambition was to become a model | he achieved his ambition of making a fortune.
• desire and determination to achieve success : life offered few opportunities for young people with ambition.
ORIGIN Middle English : via Old French from Latin ambitio(n-), from ambire ‘go around (canvassing for votes).’
"I always like to look on the optimistic side of life, but I am realistic enough to know that life is a complex matter. " - Walt Disney
The expectations I have for myself greatly exceed those that I hold for others, but I will not be dragged down by a person who has no motivation to move forward in their life. I will lead an independent successful life, and I will achieve every goal that I have set forth for myself.
Life can be compared to wrestling. You step into the gym with your team, a support system who is there for you every step of the way. You grow up together, practice together and work toward the same goal, but when it comes down to the end it is just you and your opponent standing on the mat. The whistle blows and suddenly the sounds of your team become silent to you. No longer can you rely on your coach or team to win your match for you. They have helped you prepare, but you need to have confidence and strength to get yourself through. At times you are ahead of your opponent, but with one sign of weakness you can be taken down and lose everything. Preparing yourself for the future is the same way. My family and friends have been my team, and my mother has been my coach. Growing up I have practiced for success and now it is time for my match. Living away from home I no longer have my mother by my side to coach me through situations. My mother has given me the strength to fight my own battles, and over time I have grown confident in my life. I know that the choices that I make will effect the outcome of my match. Every move that I make from this point on will either help me advance or set me behind a few points. In the battle with my emotions and the world around me I am positive that I will not be pinned.
What if your opponent is bigger than you? :)